Manufactuer: | Bombardier |
Airframe: | Global Express |
Power plant: | (2) BMW Rolls Royce BR-710 two-shaft turbofan engines |
Horsepower: | 14,750 lbst |
Length: | 99.42 ft (30.3 Meters) |
Wingspan: | 94 ft (28.6 Meters) |
Height: | 24.83 ft (7.57 Meters) |
Radar: | Derivative of the Raytheon ASARS-2 radar |
Nicknames: | SENTINEL, R1 |
Primary function: | ASTOR is to provide a long-range all-weather theatre surveillance and target acquisition system capable of detecting moving, fixed and static targets. It is designed to meet a joint Army and RAF requirement. The production contract was signed in December 1999 for the supply of five air-platforms, eight ground stations, and contractor logistic support. The principal elements of ASTOR are the Bombardier Global Express aircraft and the Raytheon ASARS-2 side looking airborne radar used on the U-2. |
Operational: | |
Rotodome: | Two Fixed Radomes. One just aft of Cockpit atop the fueselage and a larger radome affixed to the underside of the body. |
Maximum takeoff weight: | 43,000 kg |
Maximum speed: | Mach 0.89 |
Aircraft Ceiling: | 51,000 ft |
Operating Altitude: | 15,000 Meters |
Endurance: | 14+ hours |
Range: | 6,500 NM (12,000 km) |
Radar range: | |
Armament: | No offensive capability. Defensive systems include missile warning system, radar warning receiver, towed radar decoy, chaff and flare dispensers. |
Crew size: | 2 Aircrew and 3 Mission System Operators |
Sources: |
GlobalSecurity.org Airforce-Technology.Com armedforces.co.uk |